Member Promotions:

“New in Red”
Auto Repair (Two Locations) Florissant Rd. and one on Fee Fee Rd.
Auto body Repair, Arnold, MO
Bed & Breakfast  Alton
“Business & Office Cleaning Services”
“Business & Personal Loans”
“Chiropractic Services” (St. Louis and St. Charles)
Copier Repair
"Garage Door Sales & Service"
“Painting Inter/Ext”
"Payroll Service"
Legal Services
Lock & Key Service
Martial Arts Training
Master Electrician
“Pet Food, Supply’s & grooming”
Real Estate Services
Restaurants (7 Locations).  Use Restaurant scrip to save on gift giving or off set your trading fees!  Go to:

"Sewing machine, Embroidery & Vacuum (Sales and Services)"
“Radio Advertising”
“Salt Rub”
“Screen Printing & Embroidery “
“Stop Smoking and Weight Loss Services”
“Water Proofing & Basement Sealing”
“Wallpaper Removal & Installation”
“Website Development and Platform Creation.  I.T. management, Optimization & Planning.

“Call or text 3154-962-9222 if any of your categories are missing from this list. Thanks, TraderAl.”

Call or text 314-962-9222 for contact information.

Member Directory by category, in PDF format.

Trade Miscellaneous Availability’s: Time for house clean up. let’s get rid of all those unneeded miscellaneous items.  Please send a picture and how many Credit Dollar’s you are asking).  Thank you!  Don't list any items you an readily sell for cash!

Categories Currently Needed: Smelting, Brick Mason, Stucco Professional, more restaurants, handyman for some lite work, Power washing, Tree Services, carpet cleaning, landscaping & Yard Maintenance.  Please text your needs if not listed.

Al Cochran 314-962-9222 Https://ENTEL.Biz