"Your Source For New Customers And Significant Cash Flow Improvement!"New Availabilities:Accounting/CPA, Website Services, Fishing and Hunting trips on Trade, EBay miscellaneous Listings on trade, Chinese Yellow Pages and Weekly Newspaper Advertising up to 100% trade, Mark Twain Lake Lodging, Wedding & Funeral Officiate 100% Trade, Beauty Salon Crestwood, Printing, Roofing, Personal Protection Equipment/PPE’s, Timeshare for sale- use your credits, Embroidery, Screen Printing, Office Rent-Month to Month, Business Consulting, Marketing Services, Lead Generation, Business Coach. Pond Supplies, Sales & Installation, Fountains, Water Features and Garden Décor. 40% Credits. Will & Trust Arrangements 100% trade. (Text me for the contact details 314-962-8222 TraderAl.) Why are Credit Dollars FREE MONEY? Because our members have no cash tied up in them. Their fixed overhead didn’t go up and they collect their variable cost. When they spend their Credit Dollars they free up “Net Cash Flow!” Our Member Needs:If you don’t see your needs on this list; please text them to me at 314-962-9222. TraderAl Make sure your referrals are looking for more business. You will receive up to 75.00 credits for your referrals that join our exchange! Melaleuca products, Mulch put down, yard aeration, Spray Foam Insulation, Deck Repairs, Pest Control, Tree Removal, Fence Services, Carpet Cleaning, Handyman, Heating & Air, more Restaurants, A Plasterer, Accounting, Plumbing. Dentist, Windshield Replacement, Landscaping, Yard Work, Concrete Service, House Exteriors, Blinds & Shades. Please email or text me if you need help with any of the following. Calling in an authorization. Questions about your account. Remember to use Enhanced networking to save your cash when you need to purchase something for your business or personal use. This not only improves your cash flow, but allows us to send you more business!
How to spend your Credit Dollars. See below How to get more Credit Dollars. See below How to easily convert your Credit Dollars into cash dollar for dollar. Click here! Help understanding the 16 Trade Secrets click here See a Networking List example, below this. See a sample of our Networking List click here A list of members accepting 100% Credit Dollars click here To see the ENE Directory click here Let me know if you need help checking in to the Directory. Referrals we are currently seeking to be new members click here You will receive up to $75.00 Credit Dollars in your account if your referral joins. If You would like to refer us a new member send them to our online presentation click here They can join Free, using our 6 Month No Risk Trial period, on line. A list of the Restaurants that are members of the exchange, Restaurants usually trade 70% of the bill. We can show you how to list your miscellaneous items for sale. For all trade or some cash and trade.
Some Members seeking New business: Landscaping, lawn care – Small Tree Removal, Graphic Design, Business Consulting (Business Coaching), Auto Repair, Web Site Services, Garage Door Services, Dumpster rental, Computer repair, Legal Services, Electrical, HVAC. + many more! Residential Appraisals 100% credit. The World’s Best Networking Group! Benefits of choosing the right Networking Group.
How to spend your ENE Credit Dollars:Make sure you are getting all the e-mails we send out. We can also send this information to your spouse, business associates. You can use credits to buy things from businesses who are not members of ENE. If the seller is not interested in what you have to trade; you can offer to buy them what they want using your credit dollars.Example: I needed a mattress set and the business was not a member of ENE. The mattress plant owner agreed to sell me the mattress set for gift certificates to one of our 15 restaurants. You can also refer these businesses to us and they will receive a free Membership if they join. You will also receive up to 75 credits, to you account, if they Join.
You can buy credits from your company for as little as 50 cents on the dollar and use them to purchase personal items. The difference is tax free to you! Your company can show these credits as a sale of credits at a discount. This is a arms length transaction because you can also buy credits from ENE at a discount. Why not do this in the future? Come to a ENE network meeting whenever possible and learn even more ways to spend your credits. We have members at these meetings that will buy your credits for cash, dollar for dollar if you refer them a cash customer. You can print out the products and services list Products & Services List from our website. Fill this out and fax it to ENE at 314-270- 4049. Remember to put you name on the fax. Then we will know what you need and help you get it. You can do the same for your spouse or employees. Why not sell your surplus credits to your employees at a cash discount; the savings is tax free to them and this is a great employee and spouse benefit. Check out the ENE Seminars, see the youtube links. This will help you find out the many ways to use ENE even better and you learn at your own pace. You can use your surplus credits to buy advertising; This is a tax deductible expense and may help you get more cash customers. These advertisers do not need to be members of the exchange. You can also barter for anything in the exchange using your Credit Dollars. You can use your credits to purchase and fix up real estate that can be sold for all cash. Use your credits for customer promotion and employee incentives. Does someone owe you money? Collect the debt using barter or do you have surplus sports tickets? We can sell this barter or surplus for part cash and part credits and use the cash to help pay your ENE cash fees. This applies to future fees. You are welcome to keep any surplus cash. Do you have customers who are slow pay or hard to collect from because of cash flow problems? These customers could be going to your competition to avoid catching up their account with you. When you are trying to close a sale, do you have prospects that tell you they are short on the cash required to make the purchase? Do you lose more business than you care to lose to your competition? ENE is here to help you! The answer is the same to all of the above. Anytime cash flow or competition is a problem, agree to take some of your profit in barter. Try to get some gift certificates for the buyers products or services. Example: If a restaurant or any other business owes you money or you are trying to sell them your products or services, try agreeing to take some gift certificates in $25, $50, or $100.00 increments. This will reduce the price objection and eliminate the competition. Give the gift certificates to ENE to sell. When ENE sells these gift certificates for part cash part Credit Dollars we will apply the credits to your acct and use the cash to pay cash fees in advance. This approach does not apply on past due accounts. How can I get more ENE Credit Dollars? |
How can using ENE Credit Dollars increase your bottom line?Imagine you have a stack of "green" dollars that represents your revenue. From that stack you have to pay all of your business expenses. Now picture adding a stack of "gold" ENE Credit dollars on top of that stack.
The lights are already on in your office; the rent and the employees are getting paid. Fixed overhead didn't go up, but your resources to pay for it did! Pay for everything you can out of that stack of gold ENE credit dollars that you didn't have before. Then pay the rest with the green dollars. The remaining stack of green dollars, (your profit) is taller than it ever has been. You have new customers, the potential for new cash referral business, and you have new options that are availablew like never before! The cash cost of using Credit Dollars on business expenses is referred to as Trading Fees. Using Credit Dollars in transactions aren't difficult. However, they are transactions that need a lot less cash. How can using Credit Dollars affects your bottom line?
How to buy credits for 10-20-30 cents on the dollar? Example: Let's say you have a 50% variable cost. You are doing 50% cash and 50% ENE. However you are not getting any business from ENE clients. You could run a special like 70% ENE and 30% cash for a short time. You manage to get 2,000 in new business. You collect 600. cash and 1,400 credits. You would have 28% cash tied up in 1,400 credit dollars. When you spend the 1,400 credits you will have saved $1,000 cash minus the ENE fees. You could also use Concept 7 to leverage your Credit Dollars. (See ENE Concepts 1 - 8 )
*Variable cost are the cost for materials and expenses directly associated with a Specific Project such as cost of goods sold, sales tax, labor, etc. |